The backdrop to Christopher “tha addiziic” Wellington’s coming of age story is set in a recording studio in Kingston, Jamaica. As a teenager, Wellington was embraced by some of Jamaica’s famous and infamous artists, such as Beenie Man, Elephant Man, Voicemail, and John Hype. Being around these artists inspired him to work tirelessly on his […]
Fancy Visage never really felt confident in her musicality until a close friend and producer expressed how great she sounded. With his/her feeback and a ton of material inspired by a painful break up, Fancy began writing and recording music she believed […]
HOT by TOUGH DUMPLIN featuring JUNIOR REID HOLD YA KARNA by Phife Dawg of A TRIBE CALLED QUEST & TOUGH DUMPLIN TOUGH DUMPLIN & NEFARIUS Lost VHS TAPES by Money REMIX by Prophet Z featuring Tough Dumplin & Fancy Visage of BK35 NEFARIUS consist of members Kwesro, Don D & M.C. Collizhun (Tough Dumplin). The Nefarius “Tough Dumplin (Foundation for […]
Tristan G aka Tough Dumplin (MC Collizhun of Nefarius) hails from Kingston, Jamaica. Tough dumpling has been an Audio Engineer/Music Producer/MC for 15 years. From working with recording artists, to providing scoring for television and films, his vibrant and punchy audio collages capture diverse audiances. Tough dumplin has developed a unique style recognized and respected by the industry […]
Who are you and what do you do? We are R.Me (Steph LdaVoski, Real, Rashid Amir and X Maximus) a diligent group of emcees who paint lyrical narratives and incorporate swag at the same time. Where do you do it? We do it predominantly in Flatbush, Brooklyn but besides basing our talents in New York […]
Who are you and what do you do? We are The Faculty Enterprise (Lee Turley, Raydar Ellis and Jared) Pauley and we produce the greatest music you haven’t heard yet Where do you do it? We work from various studios in Brooklyn and Harlem Do you do it for the love or the money? Always […]
Who are you and what do you do? My name is Raydar Ellis and I do music…..HEFTY!! Where do you do it? I do it everywhere….in my sleep, on stage, in studio, in a classroom, in other countries, in business meetings, in your moms……record collection (innocent thumbs up) 😉 Do you do it for the […]
Who are you and what do you do? Oh im Just Teen and I’m usually `-‘ing around. lol nah but I go by TeenBeats- Music Producer/ Performing Art-ist. Part owner of Teen&Jonesy. I pretty much come up with good ideas and run with them. Where do you do it? I am Based out of Brooklyn […]
Who are you and what do you do? My name is Dana Athens. I’m a singer/songwriter and a dancer. Where do you do it? I was born and raised, and still reside in Brooklyn, NY Do you do it for the love or the money? I’ve been in the arts all of my life purely […]